If you had the opportunity to ask Pope Francis anything,
what would you ask? 259 children from 26 countries, writing in 14 languages,
had that opportunity. They sent Pope Francis letters containing questions,
comments, and corresponding drawings. The Pope answered 30 of these letters,
sharing his responses with Fr. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., who then turned them over
to Loyola Press, a Jesuit ministry. The questions, drawings, photos of the
children, and Pope Francis’ responses are all included in Dear Pope Francis, a book made to be shared with children and adults
throughout the world.
While some of the questions are sweet and innocent, such as
a six-year-old girl asking, “When you were a child, did you like dancing,” many
were not so easy. Children wonder about complex issues, problems, and ideas. Questions
such as “What did God do before the world was made?” and “If God loves us so
much and didn’t want us to suffer, why didn’t he defeat the devil?” and “How
can you settle conflicts in the world?” have no simple answers.
Pope Francis loves children. He views them as the future of
the Church and the world and knows that treating them with kindness and respect
is of the utmost importance. The Pope’s answers to these questions are honest
and wise. He truly wants to speak with these children, and by extension, to all
of us. As Fr. Spadaro states, “I realize that the language of Pope Francis is
simple and that he lives in simple words. . . Pope Francis’s responses to these
questions will do good for all, and especially for those who refuse to become
simple like children.”
The question that spoke most to me is one that I wonder
about even as an adult. Maximus, a ten-year-old
boy from Singapore, inquired, “Why did God create us even though he knew
we would sin against him?” Pope Francis replied, “Because God has created us to
be like himself. God created us to be free. Freedom is the greatest gift he has
given us. Do you know that? . . . Freedom can scare people because it can’t be
programmed like a machine. And exactly for this reason, freedom is beautiful
and God’s greatest gift.”
A copy of Dear Pope
Francis should be in every Catholic school and parish library. It also
makes a great gift. It is a beautiful book, enjoyable to read and ponder for
children, teens, and adults.