Books by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur


Cultivate Joy and Hope in Your Life by Giving Thanks

Are you searching for more joy and hope in your life? Taking time to thank God every day can help both your spiritual and physical well-being. This set of forty reflections on simple blessings written from a Catholic perspective invites you to contemplate the gifts God has given you. Whether you use it as a Thanksgiving/Advent/Christmas activity, Lenten prayer practice, or any other time of year you need a spiritual pick-me-up, it is sure to help you appreciate the good things in your everyday life.

Discover St. Zélie and the important lessons she can teach us!

Although she lived a hundred and fifty years ago, St. Zélie Martin (1831-1877) was a modern woman. She was a working mother who cared deeply about both her family and her career. She struggled to balance all her responsibilities. She often worried. But she always put God first and strove for holiness in everything she did.

She and her husband, Louis, were canonized together on October 18, 2015. They are best known as the parents of five daughters who entered religious life. Their most famous child is St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, one of the Church’s most loved saints and a Doctor of the Church.

Together, Saints Louis and Zélie are role models for a holy marriage and Catholic parenting. St. Zélie is a spiritual friend whom today’s women can turn to in their times of need. Discover this holy woman and the important lessons she can teach us.

The Rosary is one of the most beloved prayers of the Church. Countless individuals over the centuries have turned to Jesus and Mary using this prayer, meditating on the mysteries, finding comfort in the rhythmic, soothing prayers.

The tradition of praying for a fruit, or virtue, as one meditates on each mystery dates back to at least the time of St. Louis de Montfort in the 1700s. Through a series of brief reflections rooted in Scripture and the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Fruits of the Mysteries of the Rosary invites you to explore this practice more deeply as an aid in your personal quest for holiness.

A helpful appendix includes how to pray the Rosary along with the 15 Promises of the Holy Rosary.

 The Work of Our Hands: The Universal Gift of Creativity

Do you think of yourself as being a creative person? All too often we compartmentalize creativity, making it the realm of artists, musicians, and writers. In reality, we are all called to be creative in some way. God is the great Creator. Scripture tells us that we are made in the image and likeness of God. As such, that creativity is an innate part of what it means to be human. We are all invited to contribute to the ongoing story of creation. Written from a Roman Catholic perspective, these pages invite you to reflect on the universal God-given gift of creativity and the ways that you can embrace that gift in your own life.

The Crash Course Guide to Catholic Homeschooling 


Maybe you have always wanted to homeschool or perhaps you have been thrown into it by life circumstances. Either way, I want to welcome you to this wonderful, challenging world. You may be wondering if you can actually do this. I am here to tell you that you can. The truth is that you have already been homeschooling since the time your children were born or the moment that they came into your life as an adopted child.

Topics covered include educational philosophies, choosing curriculum, time management, teaching children with special needs, and homeschooling when life is hard. It will touch on the basics of what you need to know to feel confident as you embark on this new chapter of your parenting life.

In 1846, the people of the small town of Corps, located in the French Alps, had largely forgotten God. That was soon about to change. Our Lady of La Salette appeared to two peasant children, sharing a warning message of the importance of Sunday observance and respecting the name of the Lord. She told the young children to share that message with the world. It is a message even more needed in our world today.

Our Lady of La Salette: A Mother Weeps for her Children shares the story of the apparition, the seers, the message, and the secrets revealed on a rural mountain in France over 170 years ago. It also reflects on the importance of that message for our own time.

As Catholics, we know that God's forgiveness plants peace in our hearts. We also know that there is grace that flows from the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Even so, we often struggle to forgive those who have hurt us, so we don t experience the peace that forgiveness can bring.

The Power of Forgiveness includes reflections on the topic of forgiveness, inspirational stories of saints, simple prayers, and questions to help you meditate and pray. By opening ourselves to forgiving others, we participate in God's mercy and begin the process of healing.

Jesus: The Savior Among Us is an Advent reflection book for 2018 with reflections based on Scripture and the teachings of Pope Francis.To order a single copy, please contact the company at 1-800-325-9414 between 8 am to 4:30 pm Central Time to receive less expensive shipping rates than those listed on the website.

The Today's Catholic Homeschooling Resource Guide is designed to provide information and
inspiration for Catholic homeschoolers. It is available as a free .pdf download or as a paid print version.

I'm pleased to be a contributor to The Catholic Mom's Prayer Companion edited by Lisa M. Hendey and Sarah A. Reinhard.

Created by moms for moms, these hope-filled meditations touch on the issues and concerns you face as you try to get through the day with a sense of God's presence in your life. Whether you are a new or seasoned mom working in or outside of your home, this inspiring collection of reflections for every day of the year will help you
  • stay in touch with the seasons of the Church year:
  • remember Mary's loving presence on her feast days:
  • keep company with both new and familiar saints:
  • see the spiritual meaning of secular holidays: and
  • make you smile with occasions such as Houseplant Appreciation
    Day and National Popcorn Day.
Each day begins with a brief quotation from scripture, saints, recent popes, or important spiritual writers. A personal reflection--written by contributors including Danielle Bean, Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, Lisa Mladinich, Elizabeth Scalia, Carolyn Woo, Mark Hart, and Jeff Young--focuses on some dimension of your spiritual, emotional, intellectual, or physical life. Each day also includes a brief prayer and a question or thought to ponder throughout the day.

  The Catholic Baby Name Book from Ave Maria Press.  Now available on Amazon: The Catholic Baby Name Book and on Barnes and Noble: The Catholic Baby Name Book

At a time when it is becoming increasingly popular to name a baby after a town or a food, readers will discover here a bounty of names that are fun, creative, and Catholic. This newest book in the series boasts thousands of names of saints from Christian tradition and the scriptures, including those newly canonized by popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. 

Among the fun facts to be discovered: there are ten ways to spell Regina, the perennially popular name Jayden means thankful and God has heard, and Sophia, the most popular girls name in 2012, was a saint who had three daughters named Faith, Hope, and Charity (who were also saints!). 

Each name is accompanied by its meaning, variations in its form, and language of origin. A capsule biography offers a glimpse of the time, place, and importance of the saint or biblical figure. Additional saints with the same name are also described. The feast day of the saint and any patronage is also provided. Top 100 names are highlighted. While baby name books are ubiquitous, this is the first to offer Catholic moms and dads the help they need to select a Christian name or to find the religious meaning of a beloved family name.

Letters to Mary from a Young Mother available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon as both a paperback and an e-book.

Dear Mary,
I found out today that I am going to have a baby. We tried for so long, it seems hard to believe that it finally happened. I think that I am in a state of shock. I'm happy, but scared. My whole life is going to change...

So begins Letters to Mary from a Young Mother, one woman's story of motherhood, from conception through the first year, as she confides her joys and frustrations to Mary, mother of Jesus.

Perhaps more importantly, Letters to Mary explores the humanity of Mary, delving into how she herself might have felt during her own motherhood experience. Mary was a human mother, and as such is connected to mothers in all times and places, from Eve to the present day. She is a fellow traveler on the journey of motherhood, ever-ready to lend an understanding ear.

I've also been blessed to be a contributor to the following books:
Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers edited by Heidi Hess Saxton available on Amazon

The Mother Letters: Sharing the Laughter, Joy, Struggles, and Hope, by Amber and Seth Haines available on Amazon.

The Handbook for Catholic Moms by Lisa Hendey, available on Barnes and Noble and Amazon

Don't Cut Me Again: True Stories about Vaginal Birth after Caesarean by Angela Hoy, available on Barnes and Noble and Amazon

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