Carl Jung, a famous twentieth-century psychologist, was the
first to introduce the terms “introvert” and “extrovert” to describe the ways
various people interact with the outside world. “Introverts are drawn to the
inner world of thoughts and feelings, while their opposites, extroverts, crave
the external world of people and activities.” Most people are not extreme
introverts or extroverts, but instead fall somewhere on a spectrum, leaning
more to one side than another.
In recent years, Susan Cain, founder of The Quiet Revolution
( has done much to help introverts make the most of their
personality traits in the world and to help extroverts understand where introverts
are coming from.
Cain’s book Quiet Power:
The Secret Strengths of Introverts is designed to help introverted
teenagers understand the good things about being introverts as well as to help
them function well in society. Cain offers solid practical advice on surviving
and thriving in school, coping with group projects, making friends, and
pursuing their passions.
Quiet Power is an
excellent resource for introverted teens as well as their parents and teachers.
Introverts and extroverts have much to offer each other and society at large.
Communities, whether they be families, schools, or workplaces function better
when both groups are understood, supported, and encouraged.