"Let us pray God to teach us: we need His teaching; we are very blind. The Apostles on once occasion said to Christ, when His words tried them, 'Increase our faith.' Let us come to Him honestly: we cannot help ourselves; we do not know ourselves; we need His grace."
"Though temptations present themselves to you in society, you would soon find temptations in solitude, were you to indulge your love of it. We cannot escape from ourselves, wherever we are - and we are the sinners, not the places in which we find ourselves."
"Man is not sufficient for his own happiness; he is not happy except the Presence of God be with him. When he was created, God breathed into him the supernatural life of the Spirit which is his true happiness: and when he fell, he lost the divine gift, and with it his happiness also. Ever since he has been unhappy; ever since he has a void within him which needs filling, and he knows not how to fill it."
"The religious history of each individual is as solitary and complete as the history of the world. Each man will, of course, gain more knowledge as he studies Scripture more, and prays and meditates more; but he cannot make another man wise or holy by his own advance in wisdom or holiness."
"I would not abstain from food in a way to attract attention - but there are ways of denying oneself, where no one would suspect it."
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