Monday, April 08, 2013

Jesus, I Trust in You

As regular readers of my blog are aware, I've spent this Lent and Easter Octave with St. Faustina and Divine Mercy. I had read the book years ago, but it was good for me to spend time with it again. I hope that some of you benefited from it as well. I promise (for better or worse) to return to my regular blogging tomorrow, but I wanted to do one last post on the subject.

I have the Divine Mercy Image right as I walk in my house with it's reassuring statement: Jesus, I trust in You. During this Lent and Easter Octave (and hopefully continuing on), I have been making a concerted effort to live that - not just about the big things, but about the little things as well.

While I wouldn't consider myself a "worry-wart," like most moms, I have a lot on my mind. There are a lot of concerns - from little ones to huge ones. There are the concerns of the moment and the concerns of a lifetime, and almost all of them are completely out of my hands. I pray a great deal and try to make the best decisions I can, but I never have a day that goes the way I think it might when I wake up in the morning. I always have to be ready to accept the detours. And so, whenever I start to stress, I've been trying to remember to say - "Jesus, I trust in you." And - things have been working out - not necessarily the ways I would always like, but I can see God's hands in things and that in itself is a gift.

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