Monday, April 02, 2018

New Catholic Historical Romance - A Life Such as Heaven Intended

A Life Such as Heaven Intended (Full Quiver Press, 2018) is a follow-up to Amanda Lauer’s awarded-winning A World Such as Heaven Intended. The stories are connected but both function as well-written stand-alone Catholic historical romances set during the Civil War.

In this installment, Brigid McGinnis is minding her family’s home in Georgia while her father is away when she comes upon a confederate soldier in her backyard. He has taken a nasty knock on his head and is suffering from memory loss. The two are attracted to each other but know there is no hope for their future. After all, he’s a soldier who must return to the war and she is supposed to be entering religious life. However, God may have other plans. 

A Life Such as Heaven Intended provides a combination of history, romance, adventure, and a touch of mystery which will keep you turning pages. You’ll enjoy going back in time with this engaging novel. 

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