Saturday, January 23, 2021

Day 23 of Embracing Your Creative Gifts: Our Time is Finite



God is the author of all life and our benefactor who has given each of us a unique set of gifts and talents. At the end of our lives we will look back and realize we had very little time to use those gifts to glorify God. – Deacon Lawrence Klimecki

It is easy, especially in our youth, to think that the years will go on forever. We presume that there will be plenty of time to do all the things that we want to do. We sometimes feel like the important “stuff” of life can wait; it is time to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

Before we know it, however, the years begin to slip through our fingers. We look back and wonder where all the time went. What happened to all the things we planned to do? Is it too late? Can we still work toward our dreams or have they left us behind forever?

Please don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with finding some enjoyment in life. God wants us to rest. That is why He gave us the Sabbath. It is important to remember, however, that we are also called to work and to use our gifts in whatever capacity we are able, in whatever life stage we find ourselves. Even more importantly, we are called to use those gifts to glorify God.

Yes, we need to work to provide for ourselves, our families, and to help others, but our work also needs to serve a higher purpose. What we do with the gifts God gave us is our gift back to Him. They are our offering.

What do we do if we wake up one day and realize that we haven’t been using our gifts to glorify God? There is no time like the present to begin anew. We can pray for the wisdom to use our gifts wisely and then follow where the Spirit leads us. None of us know how many days or years we have left. What we do today matters.


Heavenly Father, I want to use my gifts to glorify you. Please show me how best to use them today to serve you and others.


Have you been using your God-given gifts wisely? Is there a dream that you feel God has given you that you have been putting on the back burner? Take one action today to take a step toward making that dream a reality.


This is an excerpt from The Work of Our Hands. (Amazon affiliate link)


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