Monday, April 11, 2022

Free E-Book on The Fruits of the Mysteries of the Rosary


The Rosary is one of the most beloved prayers of the Church. Countless individuals over the centuries have turned to Jesus and Mary using this prayer, meditating on the mysteries, finding comfort in the rhythmic, soothing prayers.

The tradition of praying for a fruit, or virtue, as one meditates on each mystery dates back to at least the time of St. Louis de Montfort in the 1700s. Through a series of brief reflections rooted in Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Fruits of the Mysteries of the Rosary invites you to explore this practice more deeply as an aid in your personal quest for holiness.

There is no one official list of the fruits of the mysteries. For the purposes of the reflections in this book, I relied on the fruits listed in Rosary Novenas to Our Lady Including the Mysteries of Light by Charles V. Lacey, revised by Gregory F. Augustine Pierce (ACTA Publications, 2003) and Child Consecration to Jesus through Mary by Blythe Marie Kaufman, choosing the ones that seemed most relevant to each mystery.

If you need a refresher on how to pray the Rosary, a helpful appendix is included.

The Mysteries of the Rosary and the fruits discussed in this book are as follows:

Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday)

The Annunciation – Humility

The Visitation – Love of Neighbor

The Birth of Our Lord – Poverty in Spirit

The Presentation of the Child Jesus – Obedience

The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple – Piety and Joy in Finding Jesus

Luminous Mysteries (Thursday)

The Baptism of Christ – Openness to the Holy Spirit

The Wedding at Cana – To Jesus through Mary

The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God – Repentance and Trust in God

The Transfiguration – Desire for Holiness

The Institution of the Eucharist  Adoration and Love of the Eucharist


Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)

The Agony in the Garden – Sorrow for our Sins

The Scourging at the Pillar – Self-Denial

The Crowning with Thorns – Forgiveness

The Carrying of the Cross – Patience in Adversity

The Crucifixion – Love of Enemies


Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday)

The Resurrection – Faith

The Ascension – Hope

The Descent of the Holy Spirit – Love of God

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven – Union with Christ

The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth – Devotion to Mary 


Download your free ebook (PDF) on The Fruits of the Mysteries of the Rosary.

A Kindle and Paperback version are also available for sale on Amazon.

1 comment:

Stephen Arabadjis said...

To whom it may concern,
My name is Fr. Stephen Arabadjis.  I am a member of the Society of St. Pius X.  But I am in my 7th year of Sabbatical.Therefore I was hoping your group could do a 54 day rosary novena for my intentions.  But any prayers and sacrifices would be greatly appreciated.  I know Our Lady will reward you generously for this.
In Our Lady,
Fr. Arabadjis
P.S. Thanking you in advance, since I don't always get all my communications.

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