Monday, February 24, 2025

A Beautiful Second Act


I turned fifty a couple of months ago, and while I accept my age and the grey hair and hormonal changes that go with it, I admit I cried quite a few tears over my birthday. Fifty. It’s a big number. I couldn’t help but look back at my life, both at what I have accomplished and what I’ve failed to do. I also thought about the future. Is there anything to look forward to? Do I still have anything to offer the world? That’s why I jumped at the chance to read a review copy of A Beautiful Second Act: Saints and Soul Sisters Who Taught Me How to Age with Grace by Maria Morera Johnson.

Johnson was retired from teaching, had an empty nest, and needed a sense of purpose. She started to search for saints and other strong women who “embraced the second half of life with courage, making the world a better place in the process.”

The women Johnson profiles include Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur, Marie Curie, Mother Teresa, Grandma Moses, Dorothy Day, Dolores Hart, St. Jeanne Jugan, St. Faustina, and more. You will learn about scientists, leaders, artists, social justice warriors, caregivers, and more whose lives took a surprising turn, leading to a meaningful second act.

Each chapter features a personal story from Johnson, who has had a very interesting life, and the lessons she learned from the two women profiled. The author comes across as a dear friend you’d love to sit down and share a meal with while discussing life. She, along with the women she highlights in this book, all have a lot to teach us about growing old with grace and embracing whatever path God puts us on in this stage of life. A Beautiful Second Act offers some hope that maybe there is something to look forward to after all.

If you are interested, is offering a book club centered on A Beautiful Second Act. Learn more here:


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