Monday, March 17, 2025

Take an At-Home Retreat with Holy American Women


In Blazing the Trail, Vinita Hampton Wright invites you to go on a personal four-week retreat with four holy Catholic women. One week each is devoted to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Frances Cabrini, Servant of God Dorothy Day, and Servant of God Sr. Thea Bowman. Whether you are already familiar with these remarkable women of faith or not, you will come away with a greater appreciation of their lives and work. You will also have the opportunity to reflect on the lessons they have to teach you.

Four Amazing Holy American Women

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774-1821) was a wife, mother, widow, convert to the Catholic faith, and founder of the first religious order of women in the United States.

St. Frances Cabrini (1850-1917) founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Italy and was sent by Pope Leo XIII to minister to Italian immigrants in New York City. The sisters spread across the country and Mother Cabrini was on hand to establish each new mission.

Servant of God Dorothy Day (1897-1980) rejected Christianity by the time she was out of college, became a single mother, and ultimately returned to the Catholic faith. She cofounded the Catholic Worker movement, lived in solidarity with the poor, and worked for social justice.

Servant of God Sr. Thea Bowman (1937-1990) was the first Black women to join the Franciscan sisters in Wisconsin. Throughout her life, she bore witness to the Black Catholic experience, urging the Church to embrace its multiculturalism.

Retreat Format

Each week-long retreat begins on Saturday with a brief biography of the featured woman along with resources to learn more about them. On Sunday, you reflect on what you have learned so far and on a selected Bible passage. There is also a prayer for the week.

Monday through Friday provide more in-depth reflection. Each day focuses on a different aspect of the holy woman’s life and work. For example, the first week on St. Elizabeth Ann Seton covers conversion; loss, suffering, conflict; spiritual growth, motherhood, and confidence in God.

This retreat is designed to be used throughout the day as it includes both a morning and evening prayer, scripture passages, short readings, and several reflection questions.

Holy Lessons

You are not called to be an imitation of any of these extraordinary women. You are, however, called to follow their willingness to accept God’s will in their lives while embracing our own personal gifts and challenges. Reflecting on their example of faith, perseverance in the midst of difficulties, and bold actions can inspire you to be the holy person God wants you to be.

Blazing the Trail offers the opportunity to learn about these remarkable women and grow in faith. Whether you complete the retreat over four weeks or spend a longer amount of time with each woman, it is a spiritual gift to yourself that will help you discover your own gifts and the work you are being called to in the world.


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Take an At-Home Retreat with Holy American Women

  In Blazing the Trail , Vinita Hampton Wright invites you to go on a personal four-week retreat with four holy Catholic women. One week eac...