Thursday, September 28, 2006

Experiencing Joy

"Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days." - Psalm 90:14

Sr. Mary Charleen Hug, S.N.D. writing in today's Living Faith reflection encourages us to reflect on what it means to have joy as opposed to what it means to have fleeting moments of happiness.

For me, Joy is . . .

having a small bit of quiet time in the morning before the boys are up to say my prayers.

having my boys snuggled up next to me as we read stories together.

feeling the warm sun on my face as I push the boys on the swings in our backyard.

seeing how peaceful the boys look when they are sleeping.

going out for a walk on a beautiful day.

crashing into bed after a long day, with my husband beside me, knowing that all is right with our tiny little corner of the world.

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