Friday, September 15, 2006

Our Lady of Sorrows

Today is the feast of our Lady of Sorrows. The words of Simeon must have echoed throughout Mary's life - "and you yourself a sword will pierce" - Luke 2:35
While Mary's sorrows were certainly unique in human history, I think all mothers can relate to the "Mater Dolorosa." At some point all of us will be hurt as a result of our love for our children. Love and pain often go together. To love completely is to allow oneself to be hurt. It hurts to see our children in pain, whether that pain be physical or emotional. It hurts to see our children make bad decisions or to struggle with the challenges that life gives them. Yes, motherhood can bring great joy, but the sorrows run just as deep. In those times of need, we can turn to Mary for comfort and understanding.

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