Sunday, February 24, 2008

Calling all Women: Do You Know Your Power?

This article was originally printed on Catholic Exchange on Feb. 22, 2008 and is reprinted with permission of author Cheryl Dickow.

"It is evident that women are meant to form part of the living and working structure of Christianity in so prominent a manner that perhaps not all their potentialities have yet been made clear." When John Paul II wrote Mulieris Dignitatem, his 1988 Apostolic Letter on the Dignity and Vocation of Women, he freely referred to the discourses of Paul VI, Pius XII, and John XXIII to shore up his own firm belief that women, when imbued with the Gospel, are bearers of gifts, charisms, and power (yes, he uses the word power) intended to "aid humanity in not falling."

Imagine, "aid humanity in not falling." That's a powerful statement of a woman's effectiveness and ability. So, a full twenty years after feminists took center stage and burned bras, declared their equality, and mandated a way of thinking that threw families into turmoil, John Paul II earnestly tried to set the record straight. In his document, Mulieris Dignitatem, JPII begins by exhorting what he calls "the greatness of the dignity and vocation of women." It can be no surprise that our beloved Pope, himself in a Mary-honoring relationship, would proclaim such great news within the Church and to Catholic women everywhere. One cannot be in right relationship with Christ, and His mother, and not know that Christ's entire Messianic time on earth was exemplary in the way in which He broke with the traditional ways in which women had been mistreated to make a point. The point, as John Paul II lovingly describes, is that women understood Christ's messages of God in a special and thoroughly unique way, a necessary way.

JPII brings into our consciousness an awareness of the women Jesus encountered and why it could be said that "Jesus' attitude to the women whom he meets in the course of his Messianic service reflects the eternal plan of God, who, in creating each one of them, chooses her and loves her in Christ": Simon's mother-in-law, the woman who had the flow of blood, the widow of Nain, and the Canaanite woman, to name a few. Throughout the document on the dignity and vocation of women, JPII continually draws us back to the eternal truth of a woman's worth due to her creation by God and boldly states that woman's creation was for its own sake, just as was man's, and it is an error to view God's punishment as a result of the first sin ("he shall rule over you") to be anything other than an evil inheritance for BOTH man and woman.

In other words, where our world has interpreted that Scripture verse salaciously, JPII eloquently reminds us that God's original intention was for a more perfect union between man and woman. Equality was originally intended to be a measure of sameness as created beings in the likeness of God. Equal but different. Indeed, when JPII writes, "In the 'unity of the two,' man and woman are called from the beginning not only to exist 'side by side' or 'together,' but they are also called to exist mutually 'one for the other,"' there is no mistaking that in subjugating either of God's highest creations, both creatures suffer and this was never God's plan for humankind.

Whether in regard to the societal misinterpretation of such verses as Genesis 3:16 or due to women's general misunderstanding of their own inherent worth, the "feminist" long ago gained momentum at the expense of what JPII refers to as her own "feminine genius" when she chose to pursue, at great danger, her own "masculinization." In many ways it would seem that feminism, as a means to masculinize the female species, is incompatible with the Church but most certainly incompatible with what JPII exhorts in Mulieris Dignitatem. This is to say that a Christian woman who lives and understands her call as a disciple of Christ cannot also find herself on the "feminist" path where her own gifts are seen as anything less than monumental, gifts to be employed for God and for His kingdom. When a feminist claims that a woman is only fulfilled when she occupies a "man's" role in life, she is simultaneously saying to a Christian woman, "The plan God has for you is less than what you should want for yourself." Sound serpent-like?

Additionally, it should be abundantly clear that a Christian man diminishes his own dignity and vocation when he suppresses a woman's worth and calling. As said earlier, man is also a created being made in the image and likeness of God. As such, he cannot be called by his Creator to be anything less than loving, compassionate, wise, and forgiving in how he attempts to live out his life on earth. A Christian man understands how he is called to love his wife just as Christ loves the Church. As JPII states, "The bridegroom is the one who loves. The bride is loved." What a beautiful illustration of God's intention when Christ made Himself the bridegroom! A Christian man, then, conforms his own will to the will of God and in doing so, frees his wife to be all that God has called her to be and to fulfill her vocation in the midst of love.

But how are Christian women called? Once we get back to the basics, sans feminist messages to masculinize ourselves, and embrace our own inherent worth, we are able to find anointed role models in Scripture regardless of the different times in our lives. Has God called you to a position of great territorial authority like Queen Esther? Has He blessed you with a family in which you affect the world by the way in which you love and nurture your spouse and children? Or has HaShem called you to remain anonymous while you diligently work for Him just as Noah's wife did? If Adonai has done the bidding, how can you refuse?

I would suggest that God counted on the women in Noah's life, Moses' life, Abraham's life, and Isaac's life just as he counted on the men. Imagine if these women had mistakenly bought into a message that their worth wasn't in fulfilling God's role but in pursuing roles designated by their pagan neighbors or their jealous adversaries. This isn't to say that each of these women, and others like them, were without faults, but that in their faults, and in their stumbling, they provide more of an example on how to live as a Christian woman today than any television personality or best selling self help book. They were the perfect women John Paul II wrote of when he said, "The perfect woman becomes an irreplaceable support and source of spiritual strength for other people, who perceive the great energies of her spirit. These 'perfect women' are owed much by their families, and sometimes by whole nations."

If you are ready to leave all the secular messages behind and would like to spend time discovering the richness of such women as Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, Zipporah, Ruth, The Blessed Mother, and others, please join us in our unique, online women's study. If you are looking for confirmation that the gift of self is a beautiful and essential gift you give as a woman of God, you will be nourished by this study. If you are looking for a great Easter present for your mother, sister, aunt, or best friend, we offer gift notification emails; or if you are looking for a flexible way to obtain credits for your DRE, we provide certificates of completion upon DRE approval. Registration is currently underway and we hope you'll join us for some laughter, a few tears, and a whole lot of revelation and see why women are saying...

I really appreciate what you have done! So many other online courses are very expensive and you have, admirably, kept the cost minimal. The flexibility of the schedule is fantastic! I am a physician, educator and mother of four — flexibility is key! For women who are not completely computer savvy, having your book is helpful. It is easier to meditate with a book in your hands than a laptop on your desk, in my opinion. Your writing is infused with great love and respect for God and the Church — a stark contrast to the media that accosts us daily...I have told everyone about this and am buying it for my sister as a birthday present! ~ Jean

It has been an amazing journey. A very fulfilling study which has brought so many beautiful women together to share joys and sorrows, happiness and trials. There hasn't been one week that has passed where I haven't been able to apply someone's thoughts to my own life. It is so comforting to know that there are so many spiritual, prayerful women out there in this often godless world that we live in. What a gift to be connected to them through this study! ~ Colleen

Cheryl Dickow is a Catholic author, speaker, and teacher with a Master's Degree in Education. Her books are available on Amazon and on her website

She is the moderator for Catholic Exchange's online Women's Study celebrating the dignity and vocation of women. There are two remaining sessions of the study in 2008:

Spring Session -- April 7 - June 14

Fall Session -- September 8 - November 22

Registration is under way for the spring session. Women interested in using this class towards catechetical credits are encouraged to contact their DRE (or whichever organization they belong to) with the general information about the study and receive permission prior to registering. Certificates of Completion will be available to all participants who request one at the time of registration. Gift certificates toward registration are available for friends and family. For more information click here.

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