Friday, August 17, 2012

Discernment - What is God's Will for Me?

"What is God's Will for Me?" - That is one of those questions that we ask ourselves so often. The issue of discernment - where God's will and our free will intersect - is a big one. We want to make good choices and do what God wants for us, but sometimes it is so hard to tell.

Joseph Pronechen explores the subject in his recent article for the National Catholic Register: What is God's Will for Me?

Father Jonathan Morris, director of the Catholic Channel on Sirius XM Radio and religion and ethics contributor for the Fox News Channel, says the No. 1 question we should ask is: “Is what I am considering doing going to bring me closer to heaven? And if it’s not, then we don’t do it.”
If we’re still not sure, seek answers from the Bible and Church teaching.

Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa, host of EWTN Live and author of How to Listen When God Is Speaking: A Guide for Modern-Day Catholics (The Word Among Us Press, 2011), explains this method.
“The first and most basic principle is that a person needs to have enough humility to accept God on his own terms,” he says. That means accepting what the Lord has revealed about himself in Scripture, Tradition and the magisterium.

“Discernment comes into play quite legitimately when you have two options, both of which are good in and of themselves,” Father Pacwa adds.

For instance, discovering what state in life one is called to: priesthood, married life or religious life.
“All of these in and of themselves are apparently good,” he says. “The question is of knowing which one of those goods is the best way for me to give greater glory to God.”

Two attitudes help us better able to discern God’s will, Father Pacwa says. “One: What is for the greater glory of God? How am I going to give him better service and greater glory in my life?  Two: being truly equal-minded toward all good things.” This means wanting to do whatever God wants because I trust that he has the greatest good for me involved in that.

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