Saturday, May 21, 2016

Blog Tour - Learning to Love with the Saints by Jean Heimann

Today I'm honored to be part of the blog tour for Learning to Love with the Saints by Jean Heimann.

In "Learning to Love with the Saints," Heimann shares her "own love story with the Lord and shares how the saints have influenced her in her perception of love over the years." Part memoir and Part "Life of the Saints," Heimann tells the story of her life while incorporating the impact of certain saints who shaped her understanding at different times in her life. St. Therese, St. Pope John Paul II, Blessed John Henry Newman, and St. Sharbel are all featured.

Heimann, also the author of "Seven Saints for Seven Virtues," shares the ups and downs of her life with honesty as well as with the perspective looking back at a lifetime can provide. She tells of her failed relationships with men and of her time away from the Church, as well as what brought her back to the faith and what taught her what love and marriage should entail. She also shares stories of her family of origin and her own struggles with health.

At its heart, "Learning to Love with the Saints" is a spiritual memoir of how God has worked in Heimann's life. Her story is a worthy addition to the genre, bearing testimony to how God loves each one of us and works in our lives to bring us close to Him.

Purchase the book on Amazon and help support this site:

For other stops on the blog tour, please visit:

Friday, May 13 -- Ellen Gable Hrkach, Review, Plot, Line, and Sinker   

Saturday, May 14 -- Rosemary Bogdan, Review, A Catholic Mother’s Thoughts 

Sunday, May 15 -- Carolyn Astfalk, Review, My Scribbler’s Heart Blog 
Book Giveaway!

Monday, May 16 -- Lisa Mladinich, Interview, Patheos 

Tuesday, May 17—Nancy HC Ward, Review, Joy Alive in our Hearts 
Book Giveaway!

Wednesday, May 18 -- Esther Gefroh., Review, A Catholic Mom in Hawaii 

Thursday, May 19 -- Barb Szyszkiewicz, Review, Franciscan Mom    
Book Giveaway! and Catholic Mom  

Friday, May 20--Jeannie Ewing, Interview, Love Alone Creates  
Book Giveaway!

Sunday, May 22 -- Melanie Jean Juneau, Review, Association of Catholic Women Bloggers  and Joy of Nine  

Monday, May 23--Virginia Lieto, Review, Virginia Lieto  Book Giveaway!

Tuesday, May 24 -- Tony Agnesi, Review, Finding God’s Grace in Everyday Life 

1 comment:

Jean Heimann said...

Thank you, Patrice, for your review and for hosting the blog tour on Spiritual Woman.

God bless you!

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