Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Faces of Mercy Catholic Conference for Moms

From Lisa Hendey of CatholicMom.com:

Dear Fellow Moms,
The Year of Mercy is coming to a close.  It has been a year full of grace and wonder as we all have been a little more mindful of God’s great mercy and how we should show that mercy to others.  What? You haven’t taken advantage of this Year of Mercy as much as you should have?  My thoughts exactly.  
Here is a great opportunity to spend some more time thinking, praying, and meditating about mercy, especially as it pertains to mothers.  
The Faces of Mercy Catholic Conference 4 Moms will be available one last time online and for FREE!  

It will be 4 days of presentations from popular authors and speakers helping us to focus on God’s mercy and how we as mothers, can be the “face of mercy” to others.  The presentations are online and can be accessed at anytime during the conference.  They will also be available as MP3 downloads that you can listen to anytime, any place.  

This means that these can be watched while doing dishes, folding laundry, running errands, or running on the treadmill.  They can also certainly be used during those spare times of quiet.  Each presentation is only about 20 minutes long.
Consider joining with thousands of other moms online during the weekend of October 20-23 while we all consider the mercy of God during the ending of the Year of Mercy. Remember,  It’s free.  
For more information or to sign up for the conference go to www.CatholicConference4Moms.com.

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