Friday, January 29, 2010

Pro-Life Prayers

I'm searching for a pro-life prayer for my parish bulletin. We are going to dedicate Lent to praying as a parish for the dignity of life from conception until natural death. Here are two I found on the USCCB site:

Heavenly Father, your cosmic gaze focused on dust and you fashioned in your image and likeness every man and women: give us, we beg you, a keen eye to recognize that image so that respect for all human life becomes our way of life. Grant this through Christ our Lord.

God our loving Father,
grant wisdom to those who govern us,
compassion and courage
to those who work to defend human life,
and safety and care to every human being.
For you alone who formed us in our mother's womb,
and who call us home to heaven,
are God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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