Monday, August 02, 2010

For WMass Residents - Divorced and Beyond

St. Catherine of Siena Parish is offering a ten-week program for people who are already divorced or have filed for divorce. It examines what happens to most husbands and wives going through the breakup of their marriage. It helps participants understand what they are going through and that others have gone through the same things. Finally, it suggests activities for making divorce a growth experience. The program asks that you commit yourself to all the sessions. You and other participants will share insights you gain from reflecting on your experiences and the reading material and exercises. All the sessions for this program will be on Monday and will begin on Monday, September 13, 2010, and continue for 10 weeks, ending on Monday, November 29, 2010 (there will be no sessions on October 11th or November 1st.) The sessions will be held in the Fr. Griffin Room from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. The fee is $10 (for the cost of the book). This program is limited to 12 persons only. Topics for the sessions are:

The Process of Divorce
More on Anger
Blame and Guilt
Pathways to Growth

To register, call Sr. Mary Petisce, SSJ, at 413-783-8619

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