Thursday, August 26, 2010

I cut off all my hair today . . .

And was happy to do it. I had grown my hair long enough once before to donate a couple years ago. It was one of those things I had always had on my "things I wanted to do" list. I figured I would do it once and that would be it - I could cross it off the list. After I attempted to give blood in January, however (another thing on the "to-do" list), and found out I will never be able to due to a permanent health condition, I decided to do it one more time. I figured if I couldn't help someone with my blood, at least I could help someone feel more beautiful during a difficult time with a wig made out of my hair. My hair has been growing since March of 2009 (even when I don't donate it, I still tend to only cut it once a year) and I finally had enough to donate the 9 inches to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths Program. I now have a little stubby ponytail on the back of my head - highly attractive LOL. It doesn't matter - it is hair and it grows back. I really wasn't planning on entering any beauty contests anytime soon.

I'm sad that this will most likely be the last time I can do this. My hair is getting too gray (the maximum amount of grey one can have is 5%). I was worried I wouldn't make it this time, but as I inspected the ponytail, I think it is OK. It is yet another sign of growing older, and while I am OK with it (what other option is there, really?), I do miss being young.

1 comment:

Mary B said...

Good for you getting it done while you can.

A Beautiful Second Act

  I turned fifty a couple of months ago, and while I accept my age and the grey hair and hormonal changes that go with it, I admit I cried...