November 2nd is All Soul's Day - a day which is especially set aside in the Church to remember all those in purgatory.
for the Faithful Departed
O Lord, my
Creator and Redeemer, I believe that in Your justice You have
willed purgatory for those who pass into eternity before having
completely atoned for their sins. And I believe that in Your
mercy You accept suffrages, especially in the sacrifice of the
Mass, for their comfort and liberation.
Enliven my faith
and grant me sentiments of compassion towards these suffering
Eternal rest,
grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
O Lord Jesus
Christ, King of glory, through the intercession of Mary and all
the saints, please free from purgatory the faithful departed.
I pray you, O St.
Michael, prince of the heavenly army, take them into the eternal
light which was promised by God to Abraham and his descendants.
I offer You, Lord,
sacrifices and prayers of praise. Accept them on behalf of those
whom we commemorate this day. Admit them into the eternal light
and joy.
Eternal rest,
grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
O good Master
Jesus, I entreat You for the sake of all to whom I am bound by
motives of gratitude, justice, charity, and relationship: my
parents, brothers and sisters, spiritual and material benefactors,
the members of our Congregation and my relatives.
I recommend to
You the forgotten persons, those who were more devoted to You, to
the Blessed Virgin, persons who on earth had great responsibility:
priests, the authorities, superiors, religious. Call them soon to
eternal salvation.
Eternal rest,
grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
I thank You, O
Jesus divine Master, for having come down from heaven and
redeemed the human race from so much evil with Your doctrine,
sanctity and death. I pray You for the dead who are in purgatory
because of the propagation of evil through the press, radio,
television, and the motion picture industry.
I believe that
they, once freed from their sufferings and admitted into eternal
happiness, will pray for the modern world so that all the means
given for the elevation of this present life may be used for the
attainment of everlasting life.
Eternal rest,
grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
O merciful Jesus,
for the merits of Your sorrowful passion and for the love You
have for me, I beseech You to forgive me the punishments I have
merited for the present or future life by my many sins.
Grant me the
spirit of penance, delicacy of conscience, hatred for any
deliberate venial sin, and the necessary dispositions to gain
I bind myself to
help the poor dead as much as I can, and You, O infinite Goodness,
give me an ever-increasing fervor so that when it is time for me
to leave this world, I shall be admitted at once to contemplate
You forever in heaven.
Eternal rest,
grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.