Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Heal Your Relationship with God, Yourself, and Others this Lent

Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT takes readers on a deep-dive experience of Lent in
Restore: A Guided Journal for Prayer and Meditation . She invites readers into a deeper relationship with God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving with an emphasis on healing our relationships with God, others, and ourselves. Each day features a quotation, meditation, reflections with questions to think or journal about, and prayer. There is much to contemplate in these pages.

Sr. Miriam asks readers to go deep into their hearts and souls, into the hurt places, the deep wounds that we try to hide even from God. She asks us to consider our sins and ask for forgiveness. She also invites us to forgive others, especially those who have hurt us most deeply. The forgiveness meditation that she offers is especially powerful.

Sr. Miriam warns that this is not a Lenten experience that should be undertaken lightly. 

The journey you are about to make is dangerous, for if you truly follow the Lord into the desert, you will never be the same. If you enter into this time with him from the heart, you will emerge with a heart that has been changed. . . . Restore is for anyone who desires to experience the forty days of Lent as a healing journey that leads you to explore the crevices of your heart.

If you are looking to have a deeper faith experience this Lent, Restore: A Guided Journal for Prayer and Meditation is a worthy guide. Ave Maria Press offers supplemental resources and videos to go along with the book.

Friday, February 11, 2022

February 11 - Our Lady of Lourdes - Lourdes, France


On February 11, 1858, fourteen-year-old Bernadette Soubirous had gone to collect firewood with her sister and a friend. At the cave of Massabielle a lady dressed in white appeared to her. She invited Bernadette to pray the rosary with her. The lady would appear to Bernadette eighteen times.

On February 24th, the lady asked for prayer and penance for the conversion of sinners. The following day, she asked Bernadette to dig in the ground and drink of the water that was found there. The townspeople laughed of Bernadette as she drank the muddy ground, but the next day a spring started to flow. Many miraculous cures were soon reported by those who drank the water.

On March 25th, Our Lady finally revealed her identity, declaring “I am the Immaculate Conception.” On January 18, 1860, the local bishop declared that Mary had indeed appeared to Bernadette. Lourdes has long been a popular pilgrimage site, especially for those seeking healing. St. Bernadette was canonized in 1933.


Our Lady of Lourdes, please ask your son to heal us in all the ways we need to be healed.


Bernadette was ready to do whatever Our Lady asked, even if it meant being a laughingstock by drinking mud. Are we willing to do what God asks even when it means we might be laughed at?

Thursday, February 10, 2022

February 10 - Our Lady of the Doves - Bologna, Italy


A statue of Mary was being carried in procession throughout Europe. As it passed through a tiny village, three white doves came to rest at the statue’s feet. The three doves stayed with the statue as it made its way to Bologna, Italy. One dove at a time would leave for a short flight, but there was always at least one dove accompanying the statue.

Finally, the procession reached the cathedral where the statue was to be enthroned. The doves stayed with the statue throughout the Mass until the consecration of the Eucharist, at which time they flew to the altar and perched on a crucifix for the remainder of Mass. At the end of Mass, they flew out of the cathedral as if to say that their mission was completed.

A similar story is told of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima that was being carried in procession from Fatima to Lisbon, Portugal in 1946.


Our Lady of the Dove, doves have long been considered a sign of peace. Help us to be peacemakers in our world.


The doves in the story left Mary to fly to the altar during the consecration. Our devotion to Mary should always lead us to Jesus. If possible, plan to spend some time in adoration soon. If that is not possible, set aside a quiet time to meditate on some aspect of the life of Jesus.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

February 9 – Our Lady of the Bells – Saintes, France


The town of Saintes got its name from a pious tradition that Mary Salome and some other disciples of Jesus fled the Holy Land in 45 A.D. They were miraculously transported across the Mediterranean Sea and landed in this region of what is now France. The area was called Saintes Maries de la Mer (St. Mary’s of the Sea).

According to legend, the bells in the Cathedral of Saintes began ringing by themselves one day long ago on the octave day (February 9) of the Feast of the Presentation (February 2). Upon hearing the bells, the sacristans saw unknown men holding candles and singing hymns in honor of Our Lady of the Bells, who was venerated there.


Our Lady of the Bells, miracles can happen when we least expect it. Open our eyes to see the miracles that surround us in our daily lives.


Light a candle today and sing a hymn in honor of the Blessed Mother.

#OpenBook for March 2025

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