Friday, January 27, 2006

Letting Go

This came to me in a ezine today and I thought it was good so I am passing it along. To subscribe to Janet Cassidy's newsletter, follow the instructions at the bottom.

Letting Go

I have a quote above my computer that reads: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. The author is identified as Theodore Roosevelt.

I put this poster up for our kids, really. As we’ve homeschooled over the years, I thought it was an apt message for kids to take to heart. Too often children get frustrated when things don’t go smoothly or when they are feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities. It’s a good thing to remind them that all any of us can do is what we can do, where we are, right now.

Those words, of course, have had an impact on me as well. As each of us struggles with personal vs. professional goals, raising children, parenting decisions, reconciling, sustaining and nurturing healthy relationships, we must learn to accept the implication of these words: we have limitations. We cannot always fix everything. We cannot always have everything our way. And, primarily, we are in control only as far as we willingly cooperate with God’s plan. Beyond that, we must, in humility, let some things go.

It is in this letting go that we find our freedom. It is in this letting go that we find God and learn how to love as God calls us to do.

May God give you freedom and peace today—not apart from what troubles you, but within it.

God Bless!


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