Friday, August 11, 2006

Fall is in the Air

The past few days we have definitely been able to feel that hint of fall in the air. The nights have been cool, there has been a refreshing breeze, and even the shadows seem to be taking on that long, deep quality. Most years I relish fall (October has always been one of my favorite months). Even though I left school years ago, there is something about that back-to-school feeling that has always inspired me. I don't even mind raking leaves.

And yet, this year, I am so dreading fall. I can't believe David is starting school in 3 short weeks. He already has his school supplies and his Spiderman backpack and lunchbox. Today, I had him practicing with his uniform pants and his belt. (It is always a good thing to be able to take off your pants and put them back on when you need to go to the bathroom!)I know he is as ready as I can get him to be and that I need to Let Go and Let God and see what happens. I'm going to miss the little guy, though, more than I ever thought possible. And I find myself trying to hold on to these last days of summer oh so tightly, as if I could make them last forever if I just tried hard enough. But as Isaac tells me, "The days go by so quickly, Mommy."
Yes they do.

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