Friday, August 04, 2006

Turning Back the Hands of Time

This was sent to me today by Janet Cassidy and I thought you might enjoy it. It is interesting the way technology can sap our time. I love my computer because it allows me to reach out to people and work in a way that I would otherwise not be able to do. For a stay-at-home mom, it can be a God-send! Yet, I do try to limit its use. My children can use it an hour a day and 99% of the time, I work at the computer at night after they are in bed, so I definitely do try to limit its effect on our family time.


I’ve decided to turn back the hands of time to around 1993, our pre-computer era. I’m going backward because I asked myself one question: What did I do instead of computing?

Although I don’t surf the internet or play games on my computer, I do spend some time checking e-mail and writing. These aren’t bad things, of course, but they lure me away from other, more important things. So, about a week ago, I decided to idle my computer for larger blocks of time. Remember, it’s only been one week. Since that time, here’s what happened:

I taught our daughters about cake decorating (the old fashioned way; the way mom used to do).
Our youngest spontaneously joined me in vocal prayer.
We put together her dog book, complete with laminating and binding.
I worked on a cross-stitch gift.
I picked beans from my over-grown garden.
I sat under a tree, on a hot, breezy day, listening to a toddler-weary young mother express her frustrations.

I listened more. We talked more. We prayed more. We played more.

I mention this because I wonder if you might also be caught in the computer trap. Consider what you might be missing and then do something about it. The result is very liberating!

God Bless,

life is a joyful mystery!

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