Friday, November 24, 2006

Day after Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving was good. One thing that I have noticed is that I have started remembering holidays by the developmental stage my children are at. This year they actually sat at the table during dinner and ate like human beings! I considered that quite a development. They didn't stay for the whole dinner, but once they were done, they went to play by themselves for a few minutes until the rest of us were finished.

Today was putting up the Christmas decorations day. I love having the decorations up - it always makes the house look happy and the boys were so excited about helping out. As you can see from the picture, our tree is definitely bottom heavy with ornaments, but I think it is beautiful. Every ornament tells a story, and each year something new is added to the tree that will add to our family's history. As we put up the ornaments, I was telling the boys the story of each one. Some of them they had made last year and the year before so they were especially excited to put those up.

David also decided he wanted to put lights on his gymset in the back yard, so now we have lights both in front and in back so everywhere you look you see some Christmas spirit! I love this time of year.

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