Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Kind of Heaven

This afternoon I took the boys for their weekly visit with my mother-in-law. I didn't have to go to work, so I indulged and took a little time for myself. First stop was the mall - AC Moore is having a 40% off sale on Thomas trains this week (which David and Isaac love) and with Christmas right around the corner, that was way too good a bargain for me to pass up. Next stop was the Mt. Holyoke College library. I hadn't been inside that library in years and it is a place I love. It is architecturally beautiful, plus I just love libraries - all those books just waiting to be read! I did sit down and do some work on an article I have to finish, but I left myself 20 minutes to just explore. I browsed some of the stacks and wandered up and down staircases to see what was beyond the next bend. I love to learn, and truly, there were so many books that if I had all the time in the world, I would love to read.

So, I got to thinking. Maybe in heaven we get to keep learning, except with the greater understanding that comes with eternal life (who knows, maybe calculus will actually make sense to me :) ) . After all, all this knowledge comes from God in the first place. Maybe in my eternity, I'll get to read all those books and talk to the authors and learn all I want about art and literature and music and history! That would be my kind of heaven!

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