Monday, March 12, 2007

Maximum Stress

It is one of those days when my stress level seems to have reached maximum capacity. I am currently working on four different work projects. I do appreciate the work. I can definitely use the income. But my husband has also been overloaded with work lately which means that he isn't around to contribute to the parenting duties at all. While I am the primary caregiver for my children, I do look forward to having a half-hour break on some days just to take a breather when I can say that Dad is in charge and I am going to exercise or check email or just go to the bathroom without someone carrying on a conversation with me outside the door.

At times like this, I feel like everything depends on me - making sure that my husband gets to do his job in peace, that the children are cared for, and that my own work gets done. But then I remember, God is in this with me. In this season of Lent, God invites us to accept our crosses, all the while insuring that He will be there to help carry them.

Dear God, when I get overloaded, help me to remember to turn some of the burden over to you.

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