Friday, December 21, 2007

Annual School Christmas Program

Last night was the annual Christmas program at the boys' school. The theme was "Christmas Around the World" with each class singing carols that had originated in different parts of the world. One of the benefits of living in an urban area is that our school actually has children whose families come from all over the world. There was a breathtaking rendition of "Do you hear what I hear?" sung by the 5th - 8th grade girls in which the echo was performed in Vietnamese.

They attend a pre-K through 8th grade school so it is really something to see all the different age groups from the littlest ones who are just so cute and sing slightly off-key and were not all singing the same words at the same time to the seventh and eighth graders who are at that horrible awkward age but who sang with beauty and reverence and did a wonderful job.

When I was sitting there watching David and Isaac singing their hearts out, I couldn't help but think how quickly the time is going by. They looked so grown up on the stage with their white shirts and dress pants (although their shirttails were hanging out - I swear they were tucked in when I brought them!). The years are rushing by so quickly. Perhaps I am more aware of it at this time of year when the calendar changes as well. 2008! How did that happen? I feel like I'm going to blink my eyes and the boys will be up there with the seventh and eighth graders. My grandmother used to say that life goes by as if in a dream. I think that she was right.

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