Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Create a Rosary Garden

Here in New England, the weather has been unseasonably warm. It has many people's thoughts turning to their gardens. Today I finished reading Through the Wild Heart of Mary; Teachings of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary and the Herbs and Foods Associated with Them by Gail Faith Edwards. In it she discusses all 20 mysteries of the rosary and what plants are associated with each of them. It provides a fascinating introduction to the meanings of some of these plants, as well as medicinal uses attributed to them. For someone who wanted to create a rosary garden, this book would be very valuable.

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#OpenBook for March 2025

  Welcome to #OpenBook. I'm joining up with Carolyn Astfalk who hosts an #OpenBook Linkup on CatholicMom.com . Here's what I'v...