Sunday, April 04, 2010

Practicing the Rosary

I'm currently reading Through the Wild Heart of Mary; Teachings of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary and the Herbs and Foods Associated with Them by Gail Faith Edwards. In it, I came across this great quote:

An important thing to know about the rosary is that you need to develop a practice. Saying the rosary is participatory. It is powerful. And its fruits are cumulative. In many ways developing a rosary practice is about stepping into a community of sacred space held by millions of other hearts who are also praying the rosary, and all those who have prayed the rosary throughout time. This sacred circle gets bigger and gains more momentum with every rosary recitation. One day our prayers will reach a critical mass and suddenly everything will shift. We will have gained world peace. Mary says we can do it.

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