Thursday, March 09, 2006

Discovering Esther

Today's first reading is from the Book of Esther. I first discovered Esther last year when I decided to read that book of the Bible after hearing of the feast of Purim (which is this coming Monday). Esther is an unlikely hero. She is a beautiful Jew living in the foreign land of Persia. When King Xerxes decided to create a harem of 100 women, she was among the "chosen." Warned by her father figure Mordecai to hide her Jewish identity, she blends in with the native Persians. After a year-long course of beauty treatments and preparations, she is presented to the King who finds her most appealing and he makes her queen.

Five years later, the ruse falls apart. Haman, an advisor to the king, begins to plan a genocide of the Jewish people. Mordecai begs Esther to intervene. She is initially reluctant, but ultimately, after directing all of the Jewish people to fast and pray for three days, she takes her life in her hands and goes to the King (an act punishable by death - one only went to the King if summoned) and saves the Jewish people. She was indeed one of God's workers, in the right place at the right time.

The story of Esther is very interesting. Her book of the Bible is relatively short and easy to read. She is also featured in "Lost Women of the Bible." Check it out!

I will leave you tonight with an excerpt from today's reading. It is part of what is known as "Esther's prayer" which she first finds out about the plan to wipe out the Jews:

O God, more powerful than all, hear the voice of those in despair. Save us from the power of the wicked, and deliver me from my fear. Esther C:30

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