Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Miracle of Life

For some reason today the boys and I got talking about what they were like when they were babies and when they were in my tummy. I told them that I had a book showing pictures of what babies look like when they are in their mommy's tummies and asked if they wanted to take a look. They both did. We had a great time looking through this magazine I had picked up at my OB/GYN office when I was pregnant with David. It showed real photographs of a baby in utero for each of the nine months.

It is so amazing how at even one month you can see the baby starting to take shape - the heart is beating and the little arms and legs are starting to form. The boys thought it great to see the baby sucking his thumb happily in the sixth month picture and how the baby was running out of room in the seventh and eigth month. I told them how they used to kick me and how at times we could actually see the shape of an elbow or a foot pushing out of my stomach.

While being pregnant often doesn't feel miraculous - after all, you are uncomfortable and you waddle, and getting kicked repeatedly from the inside is not always pleasant, it really is an incredible experience to have this living person moving around inside you. As I look at my boys, who are so big now, it seems almost impossible that they were ever in there at all, but they were! And we had a wonderful time revisiting that time in our collective history today.

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