Monday, July 24, 2006

Learning to Trust

This has been the summer of swimming lessons for David. He took two weeks at a local pool which was a total disaster. While he has no issues being in water, he absolutely hated holding onto the wall while he was waiting for it to be his turn (which was most of the time since it was a large class). I think he truly had a death grip on that wall because he always said it made his arms hurt. I am trying to teach him perseverance, however, so I made him stick with it. He survived the class but really didn't learn much of anything.

So, I signed him up again, this time at the pond where we usually go swimming. The class is much smaller, the lifeguard is wonderful, and he is loving it, as is Isaac because while he waits for his brother he can play in the water.

Meanwhile, I, too, have been trying to learn how to swim. I never learned as a child and have been well-known for my ability to sink! I have nearly drowned three times in my life. Last year was the first year we went to the pond and by the end of the summer I can say I actually felt comfortable in the water. This year, I have made it my mission to get as close to swimming as I possibly can. I am getting good at floating with a noodle, although even that took me a while. It took a lot of courage for me to lift my feet up off the ground. I always tell Bernie I have trust issues! But, I am learning to trust. I have been paying attention to David's lessons and try to practice what he does. Today I actually floated on my back with my head in the water (holding onto a noodle, but still!). I was so excited! One step at a time . . .

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