Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Questions at Bedtime

What is it about bedtime that brings out questions in children? Every night, David and Isaac regale me with everything that might be on their minds. A procrastination tactic? Most definitely. Yet one must admit that their questions can be quite interesting. Here are some of the ones they came up with tonight:

What do we do if a tornado comes and picks up our house? (it was storming out although tornados are pretty rare here in Massachusetts)

What if you were driving down the road and a tornado came?

Do they celebrate Christmas in heaven?

Before Santa Claus was born, how did anyone get gifts?

Why can't I live forever like Santa Claus?

Will Santa Claus ever get to go to heaven?

What does the devil like to eat?

What would happen if we were poor and had nothing to eat?

Will my teddy bear die and go to heaven, too?

Amazingly, I actually came up with answers for all of these except what the devil likes to eat. I honestly have no idea.

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