Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Definition of Irony

I never enjoyed math much. Long division was not my idea of a good time. I took through Calculus in high school, got the math requirement waived in college, and never looked back. I can honestly say I now probably function at an eighth grade math level.

But I have a four-year-old who lives to do math. Isaac is currently at about a second-grade math level. He adds and subtracts two and three digit numbers in his head and is starting to understand how multiplication works. His favorite thing to do is play "rummy" and other card games. In our on-going "rummy" game, he is currently at 11,000 points while I am around 7,000 and it is not that I am letting him win. He walks around the house doing math problems. Granted, he does not have 100% accuracy but he is usually in the right ballpark. It is a pretty amazing thing to witness. This is obviously his gift in life and I am trying to nurture it which means that my days are spent doing a lot of math.

A friend of mine gave me an "algebra" textbook and a "preparing for the math college boards" book today. She was cleaning out her house and thought she would pass them along to her "little mathematical friend." I know he is not yet ready for these books but he will enjoy looking at them, and I am sure his first statement will be "Mommy, do this!" Yes, God does have a sense of humor!

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