Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trusting the Lord in Difficult Circumstances

I really like this article by Maurice Blumberg: Trusting the Lord in Difficult Circumstances. Here is an excerpt:

It is I. Do not be afraid. Jesus wants to speak these words to you every time you are in a difficult circumstance. He may remind you that in all things he promises to work good (Romans 8:28) and in all things we can “conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us” (8:38). He may remind you of his great love, knowing that “perfect love drives out all fear” (1 John 4:18). Perhaps, he will reveal something new about who he is or what he wants to do in your life. Above all, he wants you to focus on who he is, even as he catches you off guard. He is all powerful, all knowing, all sufficient, always good, always loving, always merciful, always just.

Sometimes God allows things to happen that redirect the paths of our lives. Sometimes he invites us to find him in unusual places or unexpected people. Sometimes he is “hidden in plain sight” in unlikely circumstances. Any of these can be just as bewildering and unsettling as seeing Jesus walk­ing on water. And when it happens, we need to trust that the One who is good and loving and kind and pow­erful and sufficient for everything is with us. He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

“Lord Jesus, you know me and you know my fears. I trust in you and I believe your perfect love for me can drive out all my fears. I believe that you are always sufficient for all my needs.”

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