Monday, January 31, 2022

January 31 - Apparition of Mary to St. Angela of Foligno


St. Angela of Foligno was born in Italy in 1248. She became a wife and mother and was very involved in the trappings of secular life. Around the age of forty, she had a profound conversion experience and called upon St. Francis to help her reform her life.

In 1285, she had a vision of Mary and St. Francis. She wrote,

It appeared to me now as if they had compassion on me, and I felt the fire of divine love enkindled within me so that I could pray as I never prayed before. I had also received a special grace to contemplate the cross in which Christ had suffered so much for my sins. Sorrow, love, and the desire to sacrifice everything for Him filled my soul. (

Soon after this experience, St. Angela suffered the loss of her mother, her husband, and all her children. She became a Third Order Franciscan and spent her life going door to door, begging for the needs of the poor. She suffered severe spiritual trials, but ultimately was filled with great consolation and was known as a mystic. She died on June 4, 1310 and was canonized on October 9, 2013.


Blessed Mother, you kindled in St. Angela of Foligno the fire of divine love. Help us also to have a deep love for God and sorrow for our sins.


Spend some time today contemplating how Jesus died on the cross to save you. Make a good Act of Contrition and resolve to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation frequently.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 30 - Our Lady of the Rose - Lucca, Italy


The only thing known about this feast is that three roses were found in January in the arms of a statue of Our Lady in Lucca, Italy. However, the Blessed Mother has long been associated with roses, and in many of her apparitions, she has appeared with roses. When we pray the rosary, each of the Hail Marys has been compared to a rose that we give to Mary, creating a crown of roses.

Saints offer some insight into why Mary is represented by roses. St. Gaspar del Buffalo stated, “The rose represents that burning love which purifies, perfects, and elevates the heart to God.” ( St. John Henry Newman said that Mary “is the Queen of spiritual flowers; and therefore she is called the Rose, for the rose is fitly called of all flowers the most beautiful.” (


Mary, the rose has long been a symbol of your beauty and purity. When we see a beautiful rose, may we remember to give glory to God who created it.


Take time today to admire the beauty of a rose. If you can’t find a real one, a photo will suffice. Offer a “Hail Mary” slowly and prayerfully to Mary as a metaphorical rose given in her honor.


#OpenBook for March 2025

  Welcome to #OpenBook. I'm joining up with Carolyn Astfalk who hosts an #OpenBook Linkup on . Here's what I'v...