Wednesday, January 12, 2022

January 12 - Our Lady of Peace (La Conquistadora) - Santa Fe, New Mexico


La Conquistadora (Our Lady of the Conquest) was the first statue of the Madonna brought by the Spanish to what is now the United States. The exact date the statue was made is unknown, but it was brought to New Mexico by way of Mexico City by Fray Alonso de Benavides on January 25, 1626. At that time, the statue was known as Our Lady of the Assumption. The statue was given the name La Conquistadora by Don Diego de Vargas who carried the statue in battle as he reclaimed the area from the Pueblo people in 1692. He believed that Our Lady had helped him in battle against the Native Americans.

The Fiesta de Santa Fe is held every August and the statue is carried in procession to Rosario Chapel. Several Masses are celebrated in her honor.

The statue is carved out of wood and is three feet tall. A sacristan cares for the statue’s vast wardrobe that includes beautiful clothing, veils, crowns, jewels, and wigs donated by the faithful.

The statue was given a new name of Our Lady of Peace in 1992 by then Archbishop Robert Sanchez in an effort to reduce tensions between the Spanish and Native Americans. 

 Image from


Our Lady of Peace, help bring peace to our land and ease the divisions among us.


Is there an area in your life in which peace is lacking? There are so many divisions in our world right now. Can you make an effort to treat someone who disagrees with you on an important issue with kindness and respect?

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