Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Tears Flowed

This is from Joanne Lowe - You can join her email list by sending her a message at:


“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”

Matthew 23: 37
King James Version

This weekend I received over two hundred emails from people who were hurting. I was still singing praises to Jesus, rejoicing and was happy, but there was a sadness in my heart because of all the people who were hurting.

As I was talking to Jesus this morning about all the hurting people, this verse came to my heart. I believe as Jesus said this, He said it with a Heart full of sadness and His voice was choked up and He could barely get it out. This verse came from the depths of our Saviour’s Heart. He says this to us today in the same manner with a Heart full of sadness because we are hurting.

Knowing Jesus like I do, I am sure that there were many, many times when He wept in private to His Father. I don’t know all the geographical places in the Bible, or all the historical events in the Bible, but I do know the Heart of Jesus. I know His Heart is tender and loving and He cares when we are hurting.

We are told in the Bible that our tears are kept in a bottle. I don’t think a bottle could hold all the tears that our Blessed Saviour has shed over us. What Love He has for us! He is waiting with outstretched Arms for us to come to Him. He wants to kiss away our tears of frustration, disappointment, and hurt. Run into the waiting Arms of Jesus and you will feel a Peace that only He can give.

Joanne Lowe

April 18, 2006


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