Monday, February 19, 2007

Romanced by Jesus

This article appeared in the Emphasis On Moms newsletter for today. The image of Jesus as lover is not one that is used that often, but it is certainly a valid one. Jesus has often been referred to as a bridegroom, and those women who choose to live a celibate life dedicated to Christ have long been called "brides of Christ." I thought this article was wonderful.

Romanced ~ By Paula Moldenhauer

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3b, NIV

I’m a Pride and Prejudice fan. I’ve read the book and watched the movie in every version I know of, from an old black and white to the BBC mini-series, to a couple of recent renditions. There are literary reasons I love this work—like character development with wonderful layers. But let’s be honest. I love the story because of the romance. It’s not just fluff, but a romance in which the hero (Mr. Darcy) truly falls in love with the heroine (Miss Elizabeth Bennett) because he discovers not only her outward beauty, but also the reality of her soul.

A friend of mine couldn’t bring herself to watch the movie for some time. It hurt too much because she didn’t believe her husband saw and loved her soul, like Darcy did Elizabeth’s. Watching the movie only brought out the pain she lived with daily—the pain of a marriage in which she didn’t feel treasured.
Then one day it all changed.

My friend’s daughter watched the movie and my friend attempted to flee the room, which was her normal response. God stopped her flight as He spoke these words to her heart, “I love you like that.”

This romantic movie now brings my friend joy instead of heartache, because she knows there is one who really does know the reality of her soul and loves it. She finally feels adored.

For many women, Valentine’s Day brings the same pain my friend experienced. They longed to be romanced, to know someone has seen their soul and adores it. But the pain of broken relationship or a marriage without intimacy leaves them hungry with a longing that is never satisfied. This type of sorrow is real and valid. We were created for intimate relationship with the man in our life. When it is missing, our heart aches.

If you are one of those women, maybe it will comfort you to know there is One who sees your soul and is crazy in love with you. His name is Jesus. The Bible sometimes calls Him the Bridegroom. If you’ve felt forgotten this Valentine’s Day, remember that He never forgets you. He loves you even better than Mr. Darcy loves Elizabeth. He will never abandon you, belittle you, or forget you. His love is an everlasting love. As you heart hungers for intimacy, turn it toward the One who knows you most and still loves you best, Jesus.

~ A home schooling mother of four, Paula Moldenhauer is passionate about God's grace and intimacy with Jesus. Her website offers book reviews, home schooling hints, and a free weekly devotional, Soul Scents. Subscribe to Soul Scents at Visit her blog at Contact Paula at

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