Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Civics Test

Looking to test your knowledge of American History and Civics? Try this test:

Cal Thomas writing for the Tribune Media wrote an article criticizing the dismal performance of college students on this test, stating that we need an informed citizenry and that anyone who couldn't pass this test got a poor college education. I disagree. While it is important that Americans have a basic understanding of how our government works and the importance of voting, most people spend their time in college studying other things. Also, as the years past, information that you don't use fades from your mind. For example, while I did well in Calculus in High School, I couldn't solve a Calculus problem to save my life today. This doesn't mean that I didn't study or that my teachers didn't teach well. It just means that my brain has chosen to use that storage space for something else.

So, anyway, try the test and see how you do. For the record, I got a 76.7%

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