Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Good Day

It is often said that the best things in life are free. Today had several moments in it that only served to confirm that for me. David came home from school happy. Those of you who have been following the whole David - school saga over the past year know that that is a rare gift, which seems to be happening on a somewhat regular basis this year. Hearing him talk about his day in a positive manner and showing enthusiasm for what he is doing is priceless.

Then, we were outside this afternoon. It was a beautiful late summer / early fall day. The sun was shining and there was a steady breeze. In the sun it was warm and in the shade it was cool and it was just perfect. The boys were playing with their friend who lives next door and the sound of their laughter and joy were just resounding. How can life get any better than that!

Thank you, God, for simple gifts. What were the good moments in your day to thank God for?

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