Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's the day before Lent

Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras - whatever you call it, it is the day before Lent. One last chance for rejoicing before the somberness of the Lenten season sets in. Some years, I really feel like I have liturgical whiplash going from Advent to Christmas, experiencing a short break, and then being thrust into Lent. How does Jesus go from baby to 33 so quickly? It doesn't seem to make much sense. And yet, this year I feel ready for it. I'm ready for the time of fasting and prayer and sacrifice; ready to see where the season will lead me.

I had great hopes of offering a Lenten reflection for every day of the season and having them ready for all of you. Then, life got in the way, and other tasks had to come first. Still, I hope to offer as many as I can.

So, yes, today, rejoice! And may God bless you on your Lenten journey.

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