Thursday, May 06, 2010

Getting through the last few weeks of homeschooling

It's that time of year when everyone (kids and moms) is ready to be done with school for the year. We are definitely winding down. We've gotten through most of our textbooks. The sun is shining. We are relaxing a bit more. Yet, there is still a month left. I came across this piece of motivation in the Mar/Apr 2010 issue of the HSLDA magazine:

To keep the motivation to end the year well (or even the week or day!), keep the big picture in view. In all likelihood, you will never again have more time with, or influence on, your children. You will never regret for a moment the time you have been able to spend with your children. You will never again have such opportunities for being the godly influence that you are uniquely qualified to be. Don't waste time stressing about the little things. You may be crying with tears of frustration in the midst of the day-to-day efforts to homeschool. But remember, someday you will cry tears of gratitude and joy at the precious young people God has used you to help fashion - mixed with tears of sorrow that this treasured time of life is over! - by Valerie G. / Simi Valley, CA

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