Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Book Review: "Everyday Wisdom"

Everyday Wisdom (Spiritual Refreshment for Women)
by Joan C. Webb
Barbour Publishing, 2010

"Everyday Wisdom" is one of those delightful little devotional books that fits easily into a purse or briefcase. Featuring quotes from Proverbs and short reflections on those quotes, it provides quick bursts of wisdom. Well-organized by topic, it is easy to find exactly the words of guidance that you need at that moment. Beautifully designed, simply looking at the pages can help relax you and put you in a prayerful spirit. Joan C. Webb has truly compiled a treasure in this little book.

Here are a couple of excerpts:


Watch your words and hold your tongue: you'll save yourself a lot of grief
. Proverbs 21:23 Msg

Some of you tend to say almost anything that pops into your mind. This leads to laughter and rollicking conversation. You're the life of the party. Your quieter friends may envy your boldness. Yet sometimes you utter a comment and inadvertently hurt someone and cause yourself grief. God doesn't want to change your effervescent personality. He's the one who made you - and your more reserved friend. He only wants to temper your thoughts and words to grace others.


Patient persistence pierces through indifference; gentle speech breaks down rigid defenses. Proverbs 25:15 Msg

Microwave dinners, e-mails and Twitter posts on your cell phone, 24/7 news channels, instant messaging. We're not used to waiting for much. But when it comes to relationships, we really need patience. You can't change someone else. You can only adjust your own attitudes and behavior. But positive change takes time, whether it is you or the other person who decides to change. Be encouraged, though. Patience and persistence will pay off in the long run.

1 comment:

Joan C. Webb said...

Hi Patrice! Thanks for your great book review. I hope this lovely gift book is a joy for folks to give and an inspiration for their friends to read. The publishers did a beautiful job of packaging it. Makes a great hospital gift or hostess gift, b-day present or "thanks for being you" gift. Thanks for the shout-out. I'm grateful.

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