Monday, July 12, 2010

On DVD: "Lost Road of the Popes"

The story of how six Popes saved the Catholic Church after Rome was destroyed in 1527.

“Lost Road of The Popes: Via Papale” narrated by actor Brian Dennehy, photographed entirely in HD by renowned Italian cinematographer Manuel DeTeffe and finished with an original musical score based on the works of Vivaldi, this film is certain to be remembered.

Starting with Rome in ruin and the Catholic Church under siege, "Lost Road of The Popes: Via Papale" follows the works of six powerful Popes and explores how they took on the task of first rebuilding, then glorifying the new Rome. "Lost Road of the Popes" unfolds the miracle of this remarkable renaissance. It describes how Rome and its Papal rulers not only survived, but were inspired to create the magnificent monuments, churches, art and architecture on a single road called the Via Papale. And why that once powerful road that helped to exalt and save the Catholic Church has been…forgotten.

To find out more or to order, please visit

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