Friday, July 16, 2010

Wisdom for Life

This past week found me reading Unexpected Treasures by Dr. Mikel Brown. For me, it was sort of like reading the transcript of a success seminar that might be held at a local hotel. However, I was reading through some of the customer reviews on Amazon and some people really got a great deal out of it, so I will take them at their word. This may very well be a situation where it was me and not the book. I tend to like more concrete steps rather than vague platitudes. But sometimes, we all need to hear "You can do it!" If this is one of those times for you then this book might be worthwhile.

In any event, Dr. Brown did provide a good list of seven things that he does "to turbocharge his life every single day:

1. I pray every day and ask God to show me the things I should do that would allow me to complete the big picture.

2. I make a constant decision to remain relevant and enthusiastic about the future.

3. I keep in mind the fact that God will not place more on me than I can bear.

4. I make a concerted effort every day to walk by faith and not by sight.

5. Each day I locate the joy of the Lord, for it is my strength.

6. I speak words filled with purpose, those intended only to teach, exhort, or create.

7. I read fervently to stretch my mind, so that I can envision the future I want to live."

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