Friday, July 09, 2010

A Place of Peace

One of my favorite places ever is the Dominican Mother of God Monastery located on Route 5 (Riverdale Street) in West Springfield, MA. My mother is a member of the Dominican Laity and I spent a great deal of time here as a child. I dreamed of becoming a nun and living my life there. Obviously, God had other plans. For me, however, this will always be a place of peace and tranquility. I don't make it there nearly as often as I like, but I brought my children a couple of weeks ago and we prayed and lit candles. I thought I'd share some photos with you so that you could share my place of peace. And if you ever find yourself in Western Massachusetts, be sure to stop by.

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A Beautiful Second Act

  I turned fifty a couple of months ago, and while I accept my age and the grey hair and hormonal changes that go with it, I admit I cried...