Monday, April 30, 2012

Sporadic Blogging

I have a major work deadline coming up May 15th, so my blogging will be a bit more sporadic than usual the next two weeks. Thank you for understanding :) (And if you want to send a prayer or two my way that I am able to successfully complete this project, I would greatly appreciate it.)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fridays are Still Meant to Be Days of Sacrifice

I grew up in the Post-Vatican II era, but my mother still had us not eat meat on Fridays. It wasn't a big deal, but I thought she was strange. After all, no one else I knew gave up meat on Fridays except during Lent. Once I was an adult, I didn't worry about it, and Friday was no different than any other day of the week, except, of course, during Lent.

I managed to get through 17 years of Catholic education plus a graduate degree in Theology without learning that we are still supposed to sacrifice on Fridays. It wasn't until a few years back that I learned this and began incorporating it into my life. In 1966, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement that Catholics were to observe all Fridays as a penitential day but no longer were required to abstain from meat. You can abstain from something or engage in some "extra" work of mercy, but the call to sacrifice and do penance is still there.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Bad News About Homeschooling

All homeschoolers should read this article by Misty Krasawski: The Bad News About Homeschooling

This is just a sample:  

And here’s more bad news: YOU will still be YOU. You will not wake up on the Monday after you make the decision to homeschool and find you’ve turned into Socrates, Anne Sullivan, Charlotte Mason, Lisa Whelchel or Sally Clarkson overnight. (Bummer, I know!) It will just be little old you, same as the day before, with all the same flaws, only now they’ll be thrown into horrifyingly sharp relief by the plight of being sandpapered 24 hours a day by the little blessings (students?) the Lord has graced you with. Sometimes it’s called sanctification. Sometimes it’s called painful. Sometimes it’s called homeschooling. . . 

There will be no girls-only lunches (unless all your children are girls, of course; at least not until someone’s old enough to babysit–and even then, not very often) and no real alone time during school days, no cleaning-out-the-closets-in-peace time, no time to rearrange the furniture forty different ways, because you will be too busy teaching English and Algebra and Physical Science and a bunch of other things you perhaps didn’t enjoy the first time around. Children deserve a chance to learn about God’s wonders, His orderliness and creativity and wisdom and power, through grammar and science and math and languages and all the history of all the world. It’s our job to teach them that it all revolves around Him. If you’re not a reader, you’re going to need to (gasp!) change. If you were “never good at math,” you’re going to need to (gasp!) change. Learning . . . it’s a difficult job, but someone’s gotta do it . . . and that someone is YOU! (See key phrase one.) It takes research and planning and tweaking and more research and more planning and more tweaking and a lot of hard work.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thought for the Day

I have been reading Courage in Chaos: Wisdom from Francis de Sales (Classic Wisdom Collections) and came across this quote to share:

In all your affairs rely on God's Providence, through which alone your plans can succeed. Meanwhile, on your part, work on in quiet cooperation with God, and then rest satisfied that if you have entrusted your work entirely to God, you will always obtain that measure of success which is best for you, whether it seems so or not in your own judgment.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Looking for a Catholic Job?

Sacred Heart Media is pleased to announce the relaunch of For over eight years, has been the leading publisher of job listings focused on Catholic schools, churches, hospitals, ministries, and other religious or pro-life organizations. With over 250,000 pageviews a month, employers often receive dozens of serious inquiries from prospects, while job seekers have hundreds of openings to consider.

Since 2003, has relied on word-of-mouth and search engine referrals to grow. The relaunch begins an aggressive new marketing campaign with the goal of doubling its user base by the end of the year. Soon, Catholics across the nation will learn of from Catholic newspapers, magazines, radio, websites, church bulletins, and job placement services.

The relaunch also brings a host of new features to the website, including a re-imagined user interface and integration with LinkedIn, the world’s largest online network of professionals.

“There’s no reason why Catholic organizations should have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on recruiting someone, “ said Sacred Heart Media president and lead developer, Tim Harrison. “Faithful Catholics are eager to work for the Church. It’s simply a matter of connecting them.”

Eric Dill, the Director of Human Resources for the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey, had this to say: “For nearly five years, we’ve relied on as an important part of our recruiting strategy. The site is extremely easy to use, is cost effective and has enabled us to successfully source qualified candidates who meet our unique job requirements. is a terrific alternative to advertising in the secular press and other job-posting sites such as Monster. I recommend them with enthusiasm.”


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trusting the Lord in Difficult Circumstances

I really like this article by Maurice Blumberg: Trusting the Lord in Difficult Circumstances. Here is an excerpt:

It is I. Do not be afraid. Jesus wants to speak these words to you every time you are in a difficult circumstance. He may remind you that in all things he promises to work good (Romans 8:28) and in all things we can “conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us” (8:38). He may remind you of his great love, knowing that “perfect love drives out all fear” (1 John 4:18). Perhaps, he will reveal something new about who he is or what he wants to do in your life. Above all, he wants you to focus on who he is, even as he catches you off guard. He is all powerful, all knowing, all sufficient, always good, always loving, always merciful, always just.

Sometimes God allows things to happen that redirect the paths of our lives. Sometimes he invites us to find him in unusual places or unexpected people. Sometimes he is “hidden in plain sight” in unlikely circumstances. Any of these can be just as bewildering and unsettling as seeing Jesus walk­ing on water. And when it happens, we need to trust that the One who is good and loving and kind and pow­erful and sufficient for everything is with us. He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

“Lord Jesus, you know me and you know my fears. I trust in you and I believe your perfect love for me can drive out all my fears. I believe that you are always sufficient for all my needs.”

Monday, April 23, 2012

Book Review: Safe in the Shepherd's Arms

Safe in the Shepherd's Arms: Hope & Encouragement from Psalm 23
by Max Lucado
Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2002

I was given "Safe in the Shepherd's Arms: Hope and Encouragement from Psalm 23" quite a while ago. It was a parting gift from my Parish Council when life no longer allowed me to serve my parish in that capacity (the ability to bilocate was failing me). I finally picked it up this weekend. This is one of those little gift books designed to offer a quick dose of inspiration, and it succeeds admirably.

I enjoy Max Lucado's writing and this book is composed of short excerpts from several of Lucado's books, all centered on the theme of Psalm 23. Psalm 23 (The Lord is My Shepherd) is one of the most beloved psalms. Because it is so well-known, however, we can sometimes hear it and not reflect on what the words mean. Lucado's words invite us to take time and truly savor the comfort and wisdom contained within Psalm 23. He emphasizes our need to trust in God - that He is the good shepherd who will care for us and knows what is best for us.

There are many beautiful quotes in this book. It is easy to pick it up and turn to a random page and choose a passage to take with you for the day.

One of my favorites is a reflection on the line "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Lucado recalls a time when he felt truly homesick:

What I felt that night, some of you have felt ever since . . . your husband died. Your child was buried. You learned about the lump in your breast or the spot in your lung. Some of you have felt far from home ever since your home fell apart. . .. The twists and turns of life have a way of reminding us - we aren't home here. This is not our homeland. . . You have an eternal address fixed in your mind. . . Deep down you know you are not home yet. So be careful not to act like you are.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

I live in an area where religious vocations for women are in deep decline. The sisters who are still in our area work tirelessly and provide a wonderful example of joyful service to the Lord, but they are all getting along in years. My children have never seen a young sister.

Thankfully, there are places in this country where this is not the case. I received a flyer in the mail from The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. This order, based in Michigan, has a vocations crisis of a different kind - they are literally bursting at the seams, and the average age of their sisters is 28. They are a teaching order, working to provide Catholic schooling at an affordable price. They spend their days in prayer, study, and service, and wear a traditional Dominican habit.

I invite you to learn more about them at their website: They are seeking donations to help provide housing and education for their sisters, and of course, they can always use our prayers.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Searching for a Beautiful Wedding Dress?

Wedding season is upon us, and while those brides walking down the aisle this spring and summer have most likely already chosen their dresses, those engaged to be married next year are most likely just starting their search. Every bride wants to look beautiful for her wedding, and the dress plays a big part of that.

Personally, I think most people simply remember that the bride wore white and looked lovely, UNLESS she goes with something that shows a lot of cleavage or is otherwise overly sexy. Wedding dresses, especially for women getting married in a Catholic ceremony, should be beautiful and classy, not encourage feelings of lust in every male member of the congregation.

Thankfully, classy modest dresses are coming back in style, thanks in large part to the dress Kate Middleton wore for her wedding to Prince William last year. Lori Hadacek Chaplin discusses this trend in her article: Here Comes the Catholic Bride.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Searching for a Good Man?

Amy Bonaccorso is hosting a free web chat about her book, How to Get to 'I Do': A Dating Guide for Catholic Women, with special guest Fr. Elias Carr, Can. Reg. If you or anyone you know is having a hard time finding a Catholic mate, this web chat might be just the thing for them.

The chat will be on Monday, April 23, at 7:00 p.m. EST. It's going to focus on Chapter 7, “Growing Outside Yourself.” This chapter has fueled much thought and online discussion!

What happens if you can’t find a guy at Catholic events or dating websites? What if the guy who treats you the best is not a practicing Catholic? Could God be asking you to open your heart and grow beyond your preconceived notions?

Fr. Elias, who influenced this chapter, will make a special appearance to elaborate on his quote on page 73, “Just find a good guy!” What made him say that and what qualifies as a “good guy” these days anyway?
Kate Wicker, Catholic author of Weightless, will also offer some words of wisdom. She is married to a non-Catholic man.

This is a unique opportunity that will allow for one-on-one conversation and questions and answers with folks from around the country. Just be sure you have a web camera and the latest version of Flash installed on your computer. This is going to be a really fun video chat experience!

Please RSVP here because space is limited!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Amazing Catechists

I've been privileged to work with Lisa Mladinich for a while now and can personally vouch for the quality of her Amazing Catechist website. The following is an article she sent out today about the site. Please check it out!

Just four months after the popular site underwent an exciting re-design, has established itself as a premiere haven for catechetical leaders, catechists, and parents for connecting and exploring topics of urgent importance.

“Our readers like us because we believe two things: 1) That absolutely anything can illumined in the light of our Catholic faith; and 2) that teaching and learning the Catholic faith can and should be thrilling!” says the site’s founder, Lisa Mladinich, author of Our Sunday Visitor’s highly-regarded catechetical series, “Be an Amazing Catechist.”

“It’s a phenomenally vibrant and engaging team of contributors,” says Mladinich. “Many of the site’s 25 veteran catechists and catechetical leaders are also active in the Church as authors, bloggers, podcasters, speakers, and retreat leaders.”

A special column in the Catholic portal at this week called, ‘Faith, Sex, and Suicide: Nothing We Won’t Talk About,’ highlights the distinctive flavor of the site, achieved through a wide variety of faithfully Catholic approaches to teaching, living, and learning the Catholic faith, and provides links to help readers join in the conversation.

Hot topics addressed in recent postings include: the spiritual effects of voluntary sterilization, talking to teens about suicide, the power of the Passion, the dangers of yoga, finding a slice of heaven on earth, evangelizing through storytelling, and much more.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mother Letters Book

Over three years ago, I submitted a letter to the Mother Letters project. I wrote about it in a blog post on November 24, 2008.

I was recently informed that my letter was one of those chosen to be included in an e-book of "Mother Letters: Sharing the Mess and the Glory." It shares the wisdom of many mothers reflecting on what it means to be a mom. I am honored to be a part of this project.

The book can be purchased through the website at or through Amazon at Mother Letters: Sharing the Mess and Glory

Monday, April 16, 2012

One of My Favorite Images of the Holy Family

I had hoped to post this image for the feast of St. Joseph last month. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts at Google Image searches, I came up empty. Not knowing the name or who painted it didn't help. My friend Lisa Hendey at CatholicMom posted it yesterday, however, and I knew I had to share it!

I first saw this image hanging in a friend's home and loved it at first sight. It is such a slice of life image of the Holy Family. These were real people who got tired because they were taking care of a small child. I love the idea of St. Joseph holding baby Jesus so that Mary could get some much-needed sleep. It is such a beautiful image of love and fatherhood.

I still don't know who painted it, however. If you do, please let me know so that I can give proper credit!

Thank you!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Divine Mercy Sunday

Jesus, I Trust in You. Sometimes, that is the hardest thing to do. We want to have control over our lives and make all our plans, but then God intervenes and upends those plans.

Or when a loved one is sick, and we pray and pray for a miracle, but the person continues to suffer.

Or when we feel so mired in our sin that we don't feel God could ever forgive us, that He would ever welcome us back.

It can be so hard to trust, to truly believe that God the Father and Jesus the Son have our best eternal interests at heart. We need to trust in His mercy and humbly ask for forgiveness.

I have this picture hanging in my home. It serves as a constant reminder of the need to have that trust.

Jesus, I trust in you. Repeat as often as needed, especially in the midst of doubt.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Movie Review: October Baby

October Baby opened in my corner of the world today and I was so happy to have the opportunity to go see it with my friends. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew that the message would be good and that is what I wanted to support. I've seen Fireproof and Bella, both of which were good movies with a good message, but I can't say that I loved either of those. I was happy to promote them and support them because we need more of these types of movies in the world, but they were lacking a bit in the cinematic excellence department (Bella was better than Fireproof.) I had the feeling this movie would be more of the same.

I am thrilled to report that October Baby is different. This is a good movie. It has a compelling story line and is entertaining while sharing its message of forgiveness. As I am sure most of you are aware by now, it tells the story of Hannah Lawson, who survived a botched abortion attempt. At age nineteen, she is told the truth, and sets out to find her birth mother. It is a classic story of a heroine going on a journey to find herself. I laughed. I cried. It even has a sweet romance, based on love and friendship, rather than lust. It has a PG13 rating due to the subject matter, but it is definitely a great movie for teens and up.

The only small criticism I have is that there is a part in the movie when Hannah's friend Jason tells Dr. Lawson (Hannah's adoptive father) that "She is not your daughter." On behalf of adoptive parents everywhere, the doctor's response should have been, "I am her father in every way that matters." For whatever reason, the writers have him ignore the comment.

Overall, however, this is an enjoyable, powerful movie. If it is playing in an area near you, please go see it. It matters how we spend our entertainment dollars and we need to support movies like this.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Country Star Collin Raye on Faith

As a long-time fan of country music, I have known about Collin Raye for a long time. One of my favorite songs by him is I Think About You which should serve as a reminder to all men that those women they are objectifying are all "somebody's little girl." You wouldn't want someone looking at your daughter or younger sister like that; therefore, you shouldn't do it to someone else's daughter.

Catholic Digest has an article on Collin Raye in its April 2012 issue. He converted to Catholicism as a young man and has become a prominent speaker on pro-life issues, using his fame to support the cause. He goes to Mass and Confession even while on the road and states "It's the same Mass if you go to China, Bolivia, Kenya, but it's just in a different language. I really do feel at home anywhere I go and I don't mind walking right in and taking my spot and celebrating with my brethren."

His faith was recently tested when his 10 year old granddaughter Haley Marie was dying. He prayed and prayed for a miracle to no avail. Eventually, he came to accept that he was not the one in control. "I felt this feeling, this big hole in the sky opening up and God saying, 'Stop it. Just stop.' That was the moment it left me; the desire to try to fight this, to be in control. But not in dejection; I could feel it was Him saying, 'I've got this. Be still.' There was a strange comfort in that."

His most recent album, His Love Remains, is dedicated to Haley Marie and is a collection of Christian Classics.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Do You Get Stuck in Decision Quicksand?

Every day we are forced to make hundreds of decisions - most are fairly inconsequential, but others are truly life-changing. When you are faced with a decision, what do you do? Do you find yourself struggling to decide, and then once you have made your choice, wish you had made a different one?

Jennifer Fulwiler talks about this common problem in Trust God with Decisions Big and Small

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cleaning Out More than Just Your House

Cleaning out your house is a big deal, and a constant battle. Someday, I really do hope to win that one. But, while that war continues, I can concentrate on cleaning out those aspects of my life I seem to have a bit more control over - my mind and my soul. I loved this article by Susan Vogt in St. Anthony Messenger: Cleaning Out Your Home, Mind and Soul

Monday, April 09, 2012

Ignatius Liberal Studies Program

For those of you interested in a Great Books On-Line High School or College Program, Ignatius Press in conjunction with Angelicum Academy offers a Liberal Studies Program:

In 2010 Ignatius Press and the Angelicum Great Books Program joined with cooperating colleges in the US, Australia, and Europe, to launch the Ignatius-Angelicum Liberal Studies Program (LSP), an online program of college-level studies coordinating the best of home and distance learning with online classes from several sources.

These courses are available starting in high or home school and progress through undergraduate and graduate courses.

Students in the Liberal Studies Program can begin earning up to 48 college credits (1½ years of college) while in high or home school with the excellent Great Books Program, for which credits are accepted by numerous colleges and universities. College-level students can take solid undergraduate theology courses (taught by Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., Th.D. - himself a student of Pope Benedict XVI), and sound philosophy courses designed by renowned Thomist philosopher Dr. Peter A. Redpath (author and for many years full professor of philosophy at St. John’s University), augmented by other courses towards one of several bachelor's degrees.

For more information, please visit: Liberal Studies Program

If you would like information on Angelicum Academy's K - 12 homeschool program, please visit: Angelicum Academy

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter!

This Easter, I offer you some words from Bishop Timothy A. McDonnell, Bishop of Springfield, MA.

Easter calls us to celebrate the fact that the light of Christ has dawned on the darkness of our world; it has come providing us with hope for a future greater than we dared ever expect. It challenges us to share a kind of living that goes beyond the here and now. It challenges us to rise above the things that so easily keep us entombed and imprisoned; it challenges us to rise above our sins, and become truly people of the resurrection.

Easter has no meaning for us if Christ has emptied his tomb but we are afraid to come forth, if we are afraid to put the darkness of sin to flight, if we are afraid to expose ourselves to his light. All our hopes and happiness are bound up with Christ's resurrection. The resurrection announces that God's love is present in the world and is more powerful than evil. The good news is that in all the dark and depressing moments of life, the possibility of resurrection exists, the Good News proclaims that no defeat is final and no life is hopeless.

I wish you all a very Blessed Easter!

Friday, April 06, 2012

Good Friday

"Yet ours were the sufferings he was bearing, ours the sorrows he was carrying, while we thought of him as someone being punished and struck with affliction by God; whereas he was being wounded for our rebellions, crushed because of our guilt; the punishment reconciling us fell on him, and we have been healed by his bruises.

We had all gone astray like sheep, each taking his own way, and Yahweh brought the acts of rebellion of all of us to bear on him." Isaiah 53:4-6

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Observing the Triduum

Today is Holy Thursday and we enter into the Triduum - Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. This article offers a very good explanation of the Easter Triduum: The Easter Triduum: Entering into the Paschal Mystery

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Prayer for Relief from a Migraine

This was shared by a Facebook friend at the same time as I was suffering from a migraine. I know many other people can relate:

A Prayer for Relief from a Migraine

Finding Sanctuary

I was alone in a small chapel yesterday - stopping by to say a quick prayer in the midst of my day. It was just me, and God, and the sanctuary lamp glowing reminding me of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. As I looked at the lamp, I was reminded of those who literally sought sanctuary within the walls of a Church. It was a safe place where one could seek refuge. In many ways, I seek out Churches for the same reason. Churches are a safe place, removed from the craziness that all too often exists outside of their walls.

There, I can just rest with the Lord. I can lay myself and my needs at His feet. I can sit and keep company with Him, even if only for a few moments. Yes, I can pray anywhere (and I do!), but there is that special connection within the walls of a Catholic Church, with the real presence of the Eucharist dominating the space. In that sacred space, I can find peace, and have a small foretaste of the sanctuary that heaven will provide.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Divine Mercy Novena Starts on Good Friday

Jesus asked that the Feast of the Divine Mercy be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would begin on Good Friday. He gave St. Faustina an intention to pray for on each day of the Novena, saving for the last day the most difficult intention of all, the lukewarm and indifferent of whom He said:

"These souls cause Me more suffering than any others; it was from such souls that My soul felt the most revulsion in the Garden of Olives. It was on their account that I said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by.' The last hope of salvation for them is to flee to My Mercy."

In her diary, St. Faustina wrote that Jesus told her:

"On each day of the novena you will bring to My heart a different group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My mercy ... On each day you will beg My Father, on the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls."

The different souls prayed for on each day of the novena are:

DAY 1 (Good Friday) - All mankind, especially sinners

DAY 2 (Holy Saturday) - The souls of priests and religious

DAY 3 (Easter Sunday) - All devout and faithful souls

DAY 4 (Easter Monday) - Those who do not believe in Jesus and those who do not yet know Him

DAY 5 (Easter Tuesday) - The souls of separated brethren

DAY 6 (Easter Wednesday) - The meek and humble souls and the souls of children

DAY 7 (Easter Thursday) - The souls who especially venerate and glorify Jesus' mercy

DAY 8 (Easter Friday) - The souls who are detained in purgatory;

DAY 9 (Easter Saturday) - The souls who have become lukewarm.

During the Solemn Novena leading to Divine Mercy Sunday,
the Chaplet of Divine Mercy should be offered each day for the
day's intentions.

Read more:

October Baby opening in 170 more theaters next Friday!

October Baby is not only opening in Springfield, MA on April 13th. It is also opening in 170 other theaters across the country. Check this list to see if there is a theater near you: October Baby New Theaters.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Book Review: Past Suspicion

Past Suspicion

by Therese Heckenkamp
Baltimore: Publish America, 2003

Part of being a book reviewer is having an open mind about whatever may happen to cross your desk. When "Past Suspicion" by Therese Heckenkamp crossed my path, my first thought was "What have I got myself into?" First of all, it was a mystery - certainly not my usual genre of choice. In addition, it was written when the author was only eighteen. Determined to give it a fair chance, I opened the first page and dove in. I'm happy to report that I was very pleasantly surprised!

The first chapter tells of Tiffany, who wakes up in a hospital in 1979 suffering from amnesia after having a terrible accident. The remainder of the book focuses on Tiffany's daughter Robin, sent to live at her uncle's home in Wisconsin after her mother dies. Robin is on the cusp of turning eighteen and is determined to get out of Wisconsin and get back to her home in California as soon as possible. But, her plans to be a short-timer take a detour when she is drawn into relationships with two young men as well as into the mystery of what actually happened to her mother when she was young.

"Past Suspicion" is a compelling story. I found myself eager to find out what would happen next and how the mystery would play out. While I had a sense of what might happen, there were definitely some surprises! The book also includes a great deal of teenage angst as Robin tries to sort out her feelings for the two young men and decide what her future should hold. While it would definitely be enjoyed by any mystery-lover, I think this book would make a great young adult read. This is a very good first novel and I would be very happy to read other works by Heckenkamp.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Serving God in Small Ways

Lately, I've been feeling so trapped in my life. There is so much I want to do and accomplish, yet God has me in a very set group of circumstances which don't allow for a whole bunch of wiggle-room. In some ways, I feel like the label on a bottle of shampoo. Get up, serve, work, repeat. Every day is pretty much the same. My life is passing by in a sleep-deprived blur, and I really don't have very much to show for it.

Kathy Coffey speaks of this in her article in the April 2012 issue of St. Anthony's Messenger: Following Christ with Small Steps

She speaks of the quiet women in Scripture, the ones who work behind the scenes.

Jesus especially notes, "She has done what she could." Sometimes, we'd rather win a Nobel Prize or find a cure for cancer than attend the meeting, cook the meal or answer an email - tasks that seem terribly ordinary. But apparently the people who do what they can, instead of wasting their energy on unrealistic speculation, fulfill God's dream for them.

So, I'll keep doing what I can, and living my quiet life, until God decides He has something else in mind for me.

#OpenBook for March 2025

  Welcome to #OpenBook. I'm joining up with Carolyn Astfalk who hosts an #OpenBook Linkup on . Here's what I'v...