Thursday, June 13, 2013

Feast of St. Anthony

It's late in the day, but not too late to acknowledge and make a public thank you to one of my personal favorite saints on his feast day - St. Anthony. I ask him for help every day, even today, on his feast day, I lost at least four things that I needed his help to find. He always helps! If I ever get to see him in heaven, I will definitely need to give him a big hug for all the jams he has gotten me out of. For now, I will say "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" and share this prayer to St. Anthony:

Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find (mention your petition) which has been lost. As least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. 

To this favor I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God. Amen.

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